
Showing posts from July, 2013

How to Create a Notification Medium Maintenance Blog

How to Create a Notification Medium Maintenance Blog - Blog maintenance it is a way in which the admin to put up a notice on your blog or website. However, not only is it usually this is also done by the website designer screen to block url website and domain, due to the website or the blog is still in process improvement / creation / re-setting and so forth. That point, with the way this one

How to Make Auto Read More on Blogger

How to Make Automatic Read More in Blogger - Blogger template generally not all accompanied by 'read more', depending on the style of the designer adjustment. Without the 'read more' often found in the default template provided by Blogger. The problem is when it is in the main page posts appear vertically elongated article that is quite burdensome loading blog. Make read more on blog alleviate

How to Make a Floating Share Button in Blog

How to Make a Floating Share Button in Blog - Content to be popular and 'selling well' read visitor needs to share the widget button to share to social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus and the like. Many websites offer share for blog features, namely AddThis famous example. Lots of options, this tool is simple stylish and has exceptional ability in terms of social media keratusan

About Google Penguin

About Google Penguin - After Google Panda who had horrendous virtual world, then came Google Penguin update a few months ago or about mid-April and early May. Google Penguin created by Google to alter search rankings around the web including this blogspot. Google algorithm update themselves with the ultimate goal is to make Google can recognize and penalize your website or blog that does a lot

Tips and How to Speed ??up Loading Blog

Tips and How to Speed ??up Loading Blog - One of the techniques to increase visitors to the blog is to accelerate or ease loading blog. Besides light blog template is one factor that seo friendly template. Actually a lot of factors that affect the slow loading blog among the most common is because it kecepata intenet often you use to create a blog or do blogging activities. Besides, it is also a

Replace the "Older Posts" By the Numbers

Replace the "Older Posts" By the Numbers - In general, the navigation to move pages in blogspot typically use the text link "Older Posts (long post)" and "Newer Posts (new post)". Differences with wordpress who can navigate the form of numbers that can make it easier to skip a few pages to the old one and the new post. Well the trick this time will explain how to change the link "Older Posts (

Why Should Provide Comments?

Why Should Provide Comments? - This time I will try again to share with my friends blogger, a topic I will discuss is regarding comments. Why should comment? There are several principles that need to be understood by a blogger when they leave comments on other blogs. If we forget about the basic ethics of this comment it will basically generate comments are nothing more than a waste of time. This

Your Banner

Setting Tips SEO Friendly Robots TAG

1. Log in to your blogger account. 2. Now navigate to Setting >> Search Preferences 3. Click on edit link under the Custom Robots Header Tags section as shown in below screenshot. 4. When you will click on the edit link you will see various options. Just simply tick on the options as shown below. 5. Now click on ""Save changes" button. You have successfully accomplished the task

Gunakan Kata Kunci dalam URL - Tips SEO Blog dari Google

Gunakan Kata Kunci dalam URL - Tips SEO Blog dari Google! GUNAKAN kata kunci (keyword) dalam URL atau Link! Demikian saran Google agar posting blog mudah dan cepat diindeks Google. Kata Google, dalam membuat URL atau Permalink, hindari: Menggunakan URL panjang dengan parameter yang tidak perlu dan ID sesi memilih nama laman umum seperti "page1.html"  Menggunakan kata kunci berlebihan seperti "uang-kuno-uang-kuno-uangkuno.htm"  URL dengan kata-kata yang relevan dengan konten dan struktur situs akan lebih bersahabat bagi para pengunjung yang menavigasi situs Anda. Pengunjung lebih mengingat URL tersebut dan mungkin akan lebih tertarik untuk menautkannya. Jangan lupa, setelah selesai menulis posting, edit Permalink dengan memasukkan kata kunci! Permalink ada di sidebar kanan saat Anda menulis posting blog.

How to check your YouTube earnings

  YouTube  is famous video marketing & social networking site owned by  Google . With  YouTube  +  Google Adsense  . Many people on internet are trying there luck for making hard cash . Many beginners want to check there earnings and they often go to  YouTube  Analytics .  But they dont know it is not updated means you can't check your earnings of the current date on Analytics . You can check it only in  Google Adsense  . Just follow the below steps to know your current earnings of the day in Adsense. 1. Open  Google Adsense 2. Login to your Adsense Account 3. Click on Performance Reports and than on Products 4. Under Products click on Hosted Adsense for Content 5. After that in the end upper side you will see Total earnings Tab Thats it..... For video demo watch the below video

How to add Youtube Subscribe button to your website or blog

                                                                                                                     Many people today are making blogs and websites to be popular and make hard cash with them. But some people want to follow them by users on Youtube and want the users also watch their videos. So this tutorial is for those people.Simply follow the steps given below: Copy the following code to your webpage : <iframe src= " XYZ " style= "overflow: hidden; height: 105px; width: 300px; border: 0;" scrolling= "no" frameBorder= "0" > </iframe> Just replace XYZ with your Youtube Username Thats it. Also fol...