HOW TO REMOVE START BUTTON MENUS, HIDE LOCAL DRIVES IN MY COMPUTER, AND CHANGE WINDOWS CONTROL PANEL OPTIONS THROUGH gped it.msc Follow these steps: Click on Start button on the task bar In search box, type gpedit.msc And press Enter gpedit.msc wizard box Select Administrative Templates from User configuration Choose the options Control Panel, Desktop, Network, Windows Components And if your want disable any, Choose Enable option HOW TO INSTALL ANUSCRIPT 7 IN WINDOWS 7 1. Press Right Mouse button on Anuscript PS / TFT setup file. 2. Choose Properties 3. After Choose Run this program as an administrator (in Privilege level on wizard box) 4. Click on Apply or ok button 5. Install Anuscript Manager 7.0, after completion of installation restart your pc. 6. After Restart the pc, you must press right mouse button on Anuscript Manager 7.0 icon on the desktop. 7. Now the wizard box will be appeared 8. Select Compatibility Ta...